The Linear Inverse Problem of Gravimetry and Magnetometry with Iterative Formulas of Analogs of Wiener-Kalman Filters

V. P. Minenko


The article presents the improved iterative methods of solution of the inversion linear problems of gravimetry and magnetometry based on analogs of Wiener-Kalman filters applied to two interpretation models obtained in result of subdivision of the field grid on two sub grids containing even and odd profiles respectively. The new iterative formulas provide stable and geologically true interpretation with arbitrary initial conditions and without usage of decisions preliminarily obtained with other methods. It gives two close decisions, independent of solutions of the inverse problem achieved with other methods. Examples of practical implementation of method for processing and interpretation of magnetic data obtained at the area of iron ore deposit, Ukraine, are given.


Gravimetry; magnetometry; return linear task; Wiener-Kalman filters; iterative formulas and coefficients


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