Neotectonics and Modern Geodynamics of Verkhnekamskoe Potash Salt Deposit

V. M. Makeev, N. V. Makarova, A. L. Dorozhko, T. V. Sukhanova, I. V. Korobova, I. V. Bondar


New insight on the structure of the Verkhnekamskoe potash salts deposit, which can affect the current development planning, and be an underlying condition of the negative natural-technological processes, is considered in this paper. Based on the structural geodynamic study, three neotectonic areas (North, Central and South) were identified within the previously established Solikamsk uplift. These areas differ by advanced structure types, geodynamic conditions of their formation, and degree of inheritance of salt structures. The origin of the new structures is associated with lateral NW-SE compression, which formed reversal relationship of structures of different age and caused the activation of ancient faults. It is noted that, in order to prevent catastrophic failures and hazardous geological phenomena it requires accounting and evaluation not only of the ancient Hercynian dislocations, but the neotectonic structures and geodynamic conditions of their formation as well.


neotectonic structures; lineament zones; geodynamic conditions; salt structures; hazardous processes; faults


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