Решение линейной обратной задачи с использованием компьютерной технологии «GrAnM»
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Полный текст:
Andreev B.A., Klushin I.G. 1965. Geologicheskoe istolkovanie gravitatsionnykh anomaliy [Geological interpretation of gravity anomalies]. Nedra, Leningrad, p. 495. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev Z.Z. 2003. O nekotorykh vychislitelnykh eksperimentakh, provedyonnykh s ispolzovaniem metodov teorii diskretnykh fizicheskikh poley pri reshenii zadach gravimetrii v dvukhmernom sluchae [On some computational experiments carried out using methods of the theory of discrete physical fields for solving gravity problems in the two-dimensional case. In Questions of the theory and practice of geological interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields. Proceedings of the 30th session of the International Seminar named after D.G. Uspenskiy, Moscow January 27-31, OIFZ RAS, Moskva, pp. 12-15. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev Z.Z. 2004. Vychislenie prostranstvennykh elementov anomalnykh poley s ispolzovaniem metodov teorii diskretnykh gravitatsionnykh poley [Calculation of spatial elements of anomalous fields using methods of the theory of discrete gravitational fields]. Fizika Zemli. 11:47-69. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev Z.Z. 2009. Analiticheskoe prodolzhenie zadannykh znacheniy gravitatsionnogo polya v diskretnoy postanovke cherez istochniki v dvumernom sluchae [Analytic continuation of the given values of the gravitational field in a discrete setting through sources in the two-dimensional case. Vestnik KRAUNTS. Nauki o Zemle. 1(13): 47-57. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev Z.Z. 2010. O reshenii zadachi pereschyota vniz zadannykh znacheniy gravitatsionnogo polya s ispolzovaniem paketa program GrAnM [On the solution of the problem of recalculating down the given values of the gravitational field using the GrAnM software package. In Questions of theory and practice of geological interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields. Materials of the 37th session of the International Seminar named after D.G. Uspenskiy. Moscow January 25-29, IPP RAS, Moskva, pp. 29 -34. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev Z.Z. 2013. Vydelenie i okonturivanie gravitiruyushchikh obektov sovremennym metodom pereshcheta gravitatsionnogo polya v nizhnee poluprostranstvo [Isolation and contouring of gravitating objects using the modern method of downward gravity continuation]. Vestnik KRAUNTS. Nauki o Zemle. 1(21): 111-121. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev Z.Z, Rudakovskaya EG. 2013. Novye tekhnologii pri reshenii zadach gravimetrii i ikh primeneniya pri poiske poleznykh iskopaemykh [New technologies at the decision of a problem of mineral resources search]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 4(21): 47-55. (in Russian)
ArsanukaevZ.Z. 2014. O nekotorykh vychislitelnykh eksperimentakh pri reshenii zadachi vydeleniya geoplotnostnykh neodnorodnostey s ispolzovaniem paketa program GrAnM [On some computational experiments in solving the problem of isolating the geodensity inhomogeneities using the GrAnM software]. In Questions of theory and practice of geological interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields. Materials of the 41st session of the International Seminar named after D.G. Uspenskiy. January 27 - January 31, Ekaterinburg, p. 19-22. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev.Z.Z. 2015. Primenenie tekhnologii vydeleniya perspektivnykh razrezov posredstvom paketa program GrAnM dlya kupolovidnykh struktur [The use of technology for selection the prospective sections using the GrAnM program package for dome structures]. In Questions of theory and practice of geological interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields. Materials of the 42nd session of the International Seminar named after D.G. Uspenskiy. January 26 - January 31, Perm, pp. 9-11. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev Z.Z. 2016. Ob osobennostyakh ispolzovaniya tekhnologii okonturivaniya posredstvom paketa program GrAnM dlya naklonnykh plastov [On the features of contouring technology using the GrAnM software package for inclined reservoirs]. In Questions of theory and practice of geological interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields. Materials of the 43rd session of the International Seminar named after D.G. Uspenskiy. January 26 - January 30, Voronezh, pp. 21-23. (in Russian)
Arsanukaev Z.Z. 2017. Issledovanie zakonomernostey v povedenii raschetnogo gravitatsionnogo polya poluchennogo v rezultate analiticheskogo prodolzheniya dlya antiklinalnykh i sinklinalnykh skladok [Investigation of regularities in the behavior of the calculated gravitational field, obtained as a result of analytical continuation, for anticlinal and synclinal folds. In Questions of the theory and practice of geological interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields. Materials of the 44th session of the International Seminar named after D.G. Uspenskiy. January 2327, Moscow, pp. 29-33. (in Russian)
Samarskii A.A. 1971. Vvedenie v teoriyu raznostnykh skhem [Introduction to the theory of differentiation schemes]. Nauka, Moskva, p. 380. (in Russian)
Strakhov V.N., Arsanukaev Z.Z., Strakhov A.V. 2001. Ispolzovanie metodov teorii diskretnykh gravitatsionnykh i magnitnykh poley pri interpretatsii anomalnykh poley [Use of methods of the theory of discrete gravitational and magnetic fields in the interpretation of anomalous fields]. In Geofizika i matematika. Materials of the 2nd All-Russian Conference. December 1-14, Perm: GI UB RAS, pp. 272-274. (in Russian)
Strakhov V.N., Strakhov A.V. 1999. Osnovnye metody nakhozhdeniya ustoychivykh priblizhennykh resheniy system lineynykh algebraicheskikh uravneniy voznikayushchikh pri reshenii zadach gravimetrii i magnitometrii [Basic methods of finding the stable approximate solutions of systems of linear algebraic equations arising in the solution of problems of gravimetry and magnetometry]. OIFZ RAN, Moskva, p. 40. (in Russian)
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.17.3.268
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