Вещественный состав метеорита Северный Колчим
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Berzin S.V. 2017. Ksenolit i mikroksenolity v meteorite Severnyy Kolchim (H3) [Xenolith and microxenoliths in the Severny Kolchim meteorite (H3)]. In: Meteority. Asteroidy. Comety. Proc. of the V Conference. Ekaterinburg, Fort Dialog-Iset, pp. 26–29. (in Russian)
Berzin S.V. 2018. Refractory forsterite-rich objects in the meteorite Severny Kolchim (H3). In: Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 53(S1). Proc. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2018). #6019.
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Erokhin Yu.V., Berzin S.V., Khiller V.V., Ivanov K.S. 2016. Pentlandit iz obyknovennykh khondritov Urala [Pentlandite from ordinary chondrites of the Urals]. Litosfera. 3:139–146. (in Russian)
Erokhin Yu.V., Koroteev V.A., Khiller V.V., Burlakov E.V., Ivanov K.S., Kleymenov D.A. 2015. The Kunashak meteorite: new mineralogical data. Doklady Earth Sciences, 464(2): 1058–1061.
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Koroteev V.A., Berzin S.V., Erokhin Yu.V., Ivanov K.S., Khiller V.V. 2013. Composition and structure of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Doklady Earth Sciences, 451(2): 839–842.
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Reisener R.J., Goldstein J.I. 2003. Ordinary chondrite metallography: Part 2. Formation of zoned and unzoned metal particles in relatively unshocked H, L, and LL chondrites. Meteoritics and Planet. Sci., 38(11): 1679–1696.
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Sharygin V.V., Kolisnichenko S.V. 2017. Yaratkulovo – novyy H-khondrit na Urale: mineralogicheskiye dannyye [Yaratkulovo – a new H-chondrite in the Urals: mineralogical data]. Mineralogy, 1: 3–15. (in Russian)
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.18.3.194
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