Георгий Алексеевич Максимович – к 110-летию выдающегося ученого
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Kadebskaya O.I., Maksimovich N.G. 2012. Peshchery Urala [Caves of Urals]. In Chibelev A.A., Bolshakov V.N. (Eds.) Prirodnoye naslediye Urala. Razrabotka kontseptsii regionalnogo atlasa [Natural heritage of the Urals. Development of concept of the regional atlas]. RIO URO RAN, Yekaterinburg, pp. 408–424. http://www.nsi.psu.ru/labs/gtp/ publicat.html.
Kataev V.N., Kadebskaya O.I. 2010. Geologiya i karst goroda Kungura [Geology and Karst of city of Kungur]. Perm. Gos. Univ., Mining Inst. UrO RAN, p. 214.
Kataev V.N., Maksimovich N.G., and Blinov S.M. 1995. Zagryaznenie karstovykh vod Kizelovskogo ugolnogo basseyna [Pollution of the karstic water of Kizel coal basin]. Geografiya i prirodnye resursy. 1:57–60. http://www.nsi.psu.ru/labs/gtp/ publi-cat.html.
Kataev V.N., Maksimovich N.G., and Meshcheryakova O.Yu. 2013. Tipy karsta Permskogo kraya [Types of karst of Perm kray]. Vestnik Baltiyskogo federalnogo universiteta im. I. Kanta. 1:56–66. http://www.nsi.psu.ru/labs/gtp/ publicat.html.
Kungurskaya Ledyanaya peshchera: opyt rezhimnykh nablyudeniy [Kungur Ice Cave: case study of monitoring observation]. Dublyanskiy V.N. (Ed.). 2005. UrO RAN, Yekaterinburg, p. 376. http://www.nsi.psu.ru/labs/gtp/ publicat.html.
Maksimovich G.A. 1933. Gips i selenit v Chechne [Gypsum and selenite in Chechnya]. Mineral. Syryo. 8(9):32–33.
Maksimovich G.A. 1943. K istorii geokhimicheskikh protsessov (istoricheskaya geokhimiya) [About the history of geochemical processes (historical geochemistry)]. Priroda. 3:15–25.
Maksimovich G.A. 1943. K kharakteristike seysmicheskikh yavleniy v Permskoy oblasti [About characteristics of seismic events in Perm region]. Izv. Vsesoyuz. Geogr. Obshch. 75(4):8–15.
Maksimovich G.A. 1943. Osnovnye tipy migratsii vody na Zemle [General types of water migration on the Earth]. Priroda. 2:33–35.
Maksimovich G.A. 1948. Klassifikatsiya podzemnykh vod [Classification of ground water]. Tr. Lab. Gidrogeol. Problem AN SSSR Otd. Geol.-geogr. Nauk. 3:57–68.
Maksimovich G.A. 1955. Khimicheskaya geografiya vod sushi [Chemical geography of surface water]. Geografgizиз, Мoskva, p. 328.
Maksimovich G.A. 1958. Geomorfolo-gicheskoe rayonirovanie Permskoy oblasti [Geomorphological zoning of Perm region]. Dokl. Chetvertogo Vseural. Soveshchaniya po fiz.-geogr. i ekon.-geogr. rayonirovaniyu. Perm. 1:1–3.
Maksimovich G.A. 1960. Zemletryasenie 1956 goda v Permskoy oblasti [Earthquake of 1956 in Perm region]. Zap. Perm otd. Geogr. Obshch. SSSR, pp. 155–160.
Maksimovich G.A. 1963. Osnovy karstovedeniya. T. 1: Voprosy morfologii karsta, speleologii i gidrogeologii karsta [Fundamentals of karstology. T. 1. Problems of karst morphology, speleology and hydrogeology of karst]. Perm. Perm Univ. Publ., p. 444. http://nsi.psu.ru/cave/bibl.html.
Maksimovich G.A. 1963. Osnovnye stadii razvitiya mnogoetazhnykh gorizontalnykh karstovykh peshcher v izvestnyakakh i gipsakh [General stages of development of the multilevel horizontal karstic caves in limestone and gypsum]. Dritter Internationaler Kongress fur Spel'aologie. Wien. Band II, pp. 85–90.
Maksimovich G.A. 1963. Podzemnye karstovye ozyora [Subsurface karstic lakes]. Dritter Internationaler Kongress fur Spel'aologie. Wien, Band II, pp. 91–94.
Maksimovich G.A. 1964. Zemletryaseniya v Prikamye [Earthquakes in Prikamye]. Uchen. Zap. Perm Univ. 118(2):133–140.
Maksimovich G.A. 1964. Karst mela [Karst of chalk rock]. Uchen. Zap. Perm Univ. 119(2):55–82.
Maksimovich G.A. Shestov I.N., Ivanov V.N., Oborin A.A., and Zalkind I.E. 1968. Mineralnye i promyshlennye vody Permskogo Priuralya [Mineral and industrial water of Perm PreUrals]. Trudy Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo soveshchaniya po gidrogeologii I inzhenernoy geologii. Nedra. Moskva, 2:80–89.
Maksimovich G.A. 1969. Peshchery gipsovogo karsta [Gypsum karstic caves]. 5 Internationaler Kongress fur Spel'aologie. Stuttgart, 1969: Abhandlungen. Sektion Morphologie des Karstes. Munchen, 1969. 2:20/1–20/6.
Maksimovich G.A. 1970. Osnovy karstovedeniya. Т. 2. Voprosy gidrogeologii karsta, reki i ozyora karstovykh rayonov, karst mela, gidrotermokarst [Fun-damentals of karstology. T. 2. Problems of karst hydrogeology, rivers and lakes of karstic regions, karst of chalk rock, hydrothermokarst]. Perm, Perm Univ., p.529. http://nsi.psu.ru/cave/ bibl.html.
Maksimovich G.A., Bykov V.N. 1978. Karst karbonatnykh nefetgazonosnykh tolshch: Uch. posobie po spets. kursu [Karst of carbonate oil and gas bearing strata: Class-book]. Perm. Perm Univ. Vsesoyuzn. Inst. Karstovedeniya i speleologii, p. 96.
Maksimovich G.A., Gorbunova K.A. 1958. Karst Permskoy oblasti [Karst of Perm region]. Perm. Perm Publ. p. 184.
Maksimovich G.A., Gorbunova K.A. 1969. Ozyora karstovykh rayonov [Lakes of karstic areas]. 5 Internationaler Kongress fur Spel'aologie. Stuttgart, 1969: Abhandlungen. Sektion Morphologie des Karstes. Munchen, 1969. 1:6/1–6/4.
Maksimovich G.A., Krotova E.A. 1964. Opolzni Permskoy oblasti [Landslides of Perm region]. Materialy Soveshchaniya po voprosam izucheniya opolzney i mer borby s nimi. Kiev. pp. 118–120.
Maksimovich G.A., Krotova E.A., and Yemelyantsev K.A. 1964. Opolzni Sredney Kamy (Votkinskoye vodokhranilishche) [Landslides of Middle Kama: Votkinsk Lake]. Uchen. Zap. Perm. Univ. 118(2):123–132.
Maksimovich G.A., Chirvinskiy N.P. 1961. Sharovidnye konkretsii markazita s reki Viluy [Globular marcasite concretions from Viluy River]. Uchen. Zap. Perm Univ. Geologiya. 18(2):69–73.
Maksimovich E.G., Maksimovich N.G., 2002. Geolog – karstoved K.A. Gorbunova [Geologist-karstologist K.A. Gorbunova]. Kursiv, Perm, p. 240 с. http://www.nsi.psu.ru/labs/gtp/ publicat.html.
Maksimovich E.G., Maksimovich N.G., and Kataev V.N. 2004. Georgiy Alekseevich Maksimovich. Perm, Kursiv, p. 512. http://www.nsi.psu.ru/labs/gtp/publicat.html.
Maksimovich N.G., Kadebskaya O.I., and Zhakova U.V. 2010. Metodicheskie osobennosti speleo-podvodnogo izucheniya karsta [Methodological particularities of karst study]. Inzhenernye izyskaniya 8: 30–36. http://www.nsi.psu.ru/labs/gtp/publicat.html.
Maksimovich N.G., Meshcheryakova O.Yu. 2009. Pol G.A. Maksimovicha v razvitii nauchnoy speleologii [Contribution of G.A. Maksimovich in development of scientific speleology]. Speleologiya i karstologiya. 2: 5–10. http://www.nsi.psu.ru/labs/gtp/publicat.html.
Meshcheryakova O.Yu. 2014. Issledovaniya Kungurskoy ledyanoy peshchery v rabotakh G.A. Maksimovicha [Investigation of the Kungur Ice Cave in publications of G.A. Maksimovich]. In Kompleksnoye ispolzovanie i okhrana podzemnykh prostranstv. Thes. Mezhd. Nauch.-prakt. Konf. posvyashch. 100-letnemu yubileyu nauch. i turistsko-ekskurs. deyatelnosti v Kungurskoy ledyanoy peshchere i 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya V.S. Lukina. O. Kadebskaya (Ed.). GI UrO RAN. Perm. p. 65.
Peshchery № 31 [Caves № 31]. 2008. Maksimovich N.G. (Ed.). Perm. Gos. Univ., Perm, 31. P. 337.
Peshchery № 32: [Caves № 32]. 2009. Maksimovich N.G. (Ed.). Perm. Gos. Univ., Perm, 32. p. 234.
Peshchery № 33: [Caves № 33]. 2010. Maksimovich N.G. (Ed.). Natural Science Institute Perm. Gos. Univ., Perm, 33. p. 186.
Peshchery № 34: [Caves № 34]. 2011. Maksimovich N.G. (Ed.). Natural Science Institute Perm. Gos. Univ., Perm, 34. p. 174.
Peshchery № 35: [Caves № 35]. 2012. Maksimovich N.G. (Ed.). Natural Science Institute Perm. Gos. Univ., Perm, 35. p. 171.
Peshchery № 36: [Caves № 36]. 2013. Maksimovich N.G. (Ed.). Natural Science Institute Perm. Gos. Univ., Perm, 36. p. 179.
Gunn J. (ed.). 2004. Encyclopedia of caves and karst science. Fitzroy Dearborn, New York–London, p. 902.
Maksimovich G. A., Golubeva L. V. 1954. Types genetiques d'entonnoirs karstiques. Revue de geomorphologie dynamique. 5 (1): 25–27.
Maksimovich G. A. 1965. Hydrothermal karst. Proc. 4th International Congress of Speleology in Yugoslavia: Summaries of Lectures. Ljubljana, pp. 41.
Maksimovich G. A. 1965. The sources of the formation of the karst waters. Proc. 4th International Congress of Speleology in Yugoslavia: Summaries of Lectures. Ljubljana, p. 41–42.
Maksimovich G. A. 1965. The largest caves in USSR. Proc. 4th International Congress of Speleology in Yugoslavia: Summaries of Lectures. Ljubljana, p. 112–113.
Maksimovich G. A. 1965. The longest caves of the World. Proc. 4th International Congress of Speleology in Yugoslavia: Summaries of Lectures. Ljubljana, p. 113–114.
Maksimovich G. A. 1973. The limestone pools (gours) and genesis of calcite dams in caves. Abstracts of papers submitted to the 6th International Congress of Speleology. Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, p. 26.
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