К 85-летию Леонида Викторовича Шаронова (1929-1991)
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Полный текст:
Sharonov L.C. 1956. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti karbonatnykh otlozheniy verkhnego devona severnoy chasti Volgo-Uralskoy oblasti [Perspectives of oil and gas reserves of the Upper Devon carbonate sediments of the northern part of Volga-Urals region]. Perm, Proceedings of Kama branch of VNIGNI, 56: 10–19.
Sharonov L.C., Danilov I. 1966. Geologicheskoe stroyenie i perspektivy neftenosnosti Kamsko-Kinelskoy sistemy progibov v Permskoy oblasti i Udmurtskoy ASSR [Geological structure and perspectives of oil and gas reserves in the Kama-Kinelskaya depression of the Perm region and the Udmurt ASSR]. Perm, Proceedings of Kama branch of VNIGNI, 57: 35–52.
Sharonov L.C., Entsov I.I. 1968. Novye dannye o kollektorskikh svoystvakh i neftenosnosti karbonatnykh otlozheniy verkhnego devona i turneyskogo yarusa v Permskoy oblasti [New data on the reservoir properties and oil reserves of carbonate sediments of the Upper Devon and Tournaisian stage in the Perm region]. Neftegaz. geol. and geophys.17: 3–6.
Sharonov L.C., Vinikovskiy S.A. 1969. O severnom prodolzhenii i perspektivakh neftenosnosti Kamsko-Kinelskoy vpadiny v permskoy oblasti [About the northward extension and prospecting oil reserves of Kama-Kinelskaya depression in the Perm region]. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 3: 15–19.
Sharonov L.C. 1971. Formirovanie neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy severnoy chasti Volgo-Uralskogo basseyna [Formation of oil and gas fields in the northern part of the Volga-Ural basin]. Perm: Perm Publishing House, p. 271.
Vinikovskiy S.A., Sharonov L.V. 1977. Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya i usloviya formirovaniya zalezhey nefti i gaza Volgo-Uralskoy oblasti. T. II. Permskaya oblast i Udmurtskaya ASSR [Regularities of the location and conditions of formation of oil and gas deposits in the Volgo-Urals region. T. II. Perm region and Udmurt ASSR]. Moskva, Nedra, p. 272.
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