Features of the Formation of Gold Placers in the Mountain Area of the Southern Urals (on the Example of Suleymenovskaya Multilayer Placer)

P. V. Kazakov


Analysis of the formation conditions of Quaternary gold placers in the mountain area of the Southern Urals on the example of the Suleymenskaya multilayer placer shows that the most productive are the Eopleistocene and Middle Neopleistocene placer cycles associated with the final phase of the continuously intermittent neo-orogenic rise of the territory. At the same time, the productivity of placers increases with the increase in the scale of fluvial processing of sediments of the Eopleistocene paleo-cleft and the transition of placers to the Middle Neopleistocene. The source of gold of the Suleymenskaya placer is the zone of gold ore mineralization in the northern part of the Tungatarovskiy fault. Prospects for expanding the raw material base of the territory are associated with the productive sediments of buried Eopleistocene paleo-cleft, coinciding with the zones of gold-sulfide mineralization.


gold; quaternary placer; neo-orogenic uplift; paleo-cleft; gold mineralization zone; Southern Urals


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.22.2.169


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