Биотические аспекты геоэкологических исследований в целях инженерно-экологических изысканий
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Полный текст:
Alvanyan A.K., Iblaminov R.G., Tamoyan K.A., Sogorin A.A. 2017. Meropriyatiya po ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti ekspluatatsii Selishchenskogo mestorozhdeniya stroitelnogo gipsa [Measures for ecological safety of operation of the Selishchenskoye construction gypsum deposit]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 16(2):185–192. (in Russian)
Atlas osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriy Permskogo kraya [Atlas of specially protected natural areas of the Perm region]. 2017. Ed. S.A. Buzmakov. Perm, Aster, p. 512. (in Russian)
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Buzmakov S.A. 2012. Antropogennaya transformatsiya prirodnoy sredy [Anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment]. Geograficheskiy vestnik. 4(23):46–50. (in Russian)
Buzmakov S.A. 2020. Set osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriy Permskogo kraya [Network of specially protected natural areas of the Perm region]. Geograficheskij vestnik. 3(54):135–148. doi: 10.17072/2079-7877-2020-3-135-148. (in Russian)
Galchenko Yu.P., Kalabin G.V., Ozaryan Yu.A. 2020. Metodika geoinformatsionnogo monitoringa prirodno-tekhnicheskikh sistem na osnove dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya [Methods of geoinformation monitoring of natural and technical systems based on remote sensing data]. Izvestiya TulGU. Nauki o Zemle. 1:68–78. (in Russian)
Gatina E.L. 2015. Nakhodka Iris sibirica L. na territorii okhranyaemogo landshafta regionalnogo znacheniya Ust-Kachkinskiy [Finding of Iris sibirica L. on the territory of the protected landscape of regional significance Ust-Kachkinskiy]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Seriya: Biologiya. 3:203–206. (in Russian)
Guman O.M., Makarov A.B., Grevtsev N.V., Wegner-Kozlova E.O. 2020. Osobennosti inzhenerno-ekologicheskikh issledovaniy dlya rekultivatsii narushennykh zemel v gornodobyvayushchikh regionakh [Peculiarities of engineering and environmental studies for the reclamation of disturbed
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Zaitsev A.A., Voronov G.A., Kulakova S.A., Mishlanova Yu.L. 2020. Metodika otsenki sostoyaniya rastitelnosti i zhivotnogo mira v lesnoy zone pri ekologicheskom proektirovanii [Methodology for assessing the state of vegetation and wildlife in the forest zone during environmental design]. Geograficheskij vestnik. 4(55):137−151. doi:10.17072/2079-7877-2020-4-137-151. (in Russian)
Karavaeva T.I., Tikhonov V.P. 2016. Otsenka sostoyaniya prirodnoy sredy pri inzhenerno-ekologicheskikh izyskaniyakh po funktsionalnym kharakteristikam biogeotsenozov [Assessment of the state of the natural environment during engineering and environmental surveys according to the functional characteristics of biogeocenoses]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 2(31):91−99. (in Russian)
Karavaeva T.I., Tikhonov V.P. 2017. Ekologicheskoe obosnovanie ispolzovaniya aktivnosti mikrobiologicheskogo dykhaniya dlya otsenki sostoyaniya pochv pri inzhenerno-ekologicheskikh izyskaniyakh Ecological justification of using microbial respiration activity to assess soil condition in engineering and ecological surveys]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 16(3):283−294. (in Russian)
Komarova A.F., Borodulina V.P., Zudkin A.G., Cherednichenko O.V. 2021. Kartografirovanie i analiz prostranstvennogo raspredeleniya rastitelnykh soobshchestv lugov okhrannoy zony Polistovskogo zapovednika [Mapping and analysis of the spatial distribution of plant communities of meadows in the buffer zone of the Polistovsky Reserve]. Russian Journal of Ecosystem Ecology. 6(3). doi:10.21685/2500-0578-2021-3-1. (in Russian)
Korotkov V.N., Koptsik G.N., Smirnova I.E., Koptsik S.V. 2019. Vosstanovlenie rastitelnosti na tekhnogennykh pustoshakh v okrestnostyakh Monchegorska (Murmanskaya oblast, Rossiya) [Restoration of vegetation on technogenic wastelands in the vicinity of Monchegorsk (Murmansk region, Russia)]. Russian Journal of Ecosystem
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Kudryashov A.I. 2013. Verhnekamskoe mestorozhdenie soley [Verkhnekamskoye salt deposit]. Moskva, EPSILONPLUS, p. 371. (in Russian)
Kulakova S.A. 2015. Transformatsiya prirodnoy sredy Permskogo kraya [Transformation of the natural environment of the Perm region]. Geograficheskij vestnik. 3(34):74–85. (in Russian)
Kulakova S.A., Zaitsev A.A. 2016. Transformatsiya prirodnoy sredy na osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriyakh i ee vliyanie na ekologicheskuyu komfortnost [Transformation of the natural environment in specially protected natural areas and its impact on environmental comfort]. Geograficheskij vestnik. 4(39):91–99. doi:10.17072/2079-7877-2016-4-91-99. (in Russian)
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.22.2.187
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