Эрозионные процессы и состояние геологической среды в приплотинной зоне Юмагузинского водохранилища на р. Белой (Республика Башкортостан)
Полный текст:
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Alburin A.H., Zagitova L.R. 2020. Analiz dinamiki povedeniya pyezometrov v levoberezhnom primykanii plotiny Yumaguzinskogo gidrouzla i otsenka ikh raboty [Analysis of the dynamics of the behavior of piezometers in the left-bank abutement of the Yumaguzinsky hydroelectric dam and assessment of their work]. Proceedings of the XIII National Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists. Ufa, BGAU, pp. 103-107. (in Russian)
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GOST R 54257-2010. Natsionalnyy standart Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Nadyozhnost stroitelnykh konstruktsiy i osnovaniy. Osnoovnye polozheniya i trebovaniya [National standards of the Russian Federation. Reliability of constructions and foundations. Basic principles and requirements]. Moskva, Standartinform, 2011, p. 20. (in Russian)
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Metodika otsenki prochnosti i szhimaemosti krupnoblochnykh gruntov s pylevatym i glinistym zapolnitelem i pylevatykh i glinistykh gruntov s krupnooblomochnymi vklyucheniyami [Methodology for assessing the strength and compressibility of coarse-grained soils with a fine-grained and clay filler, and fine-grained and clay soils with coarsegrained inclusions]. DALNIIS Gosstroy of the SSSR. Moskva, Stroyizdat, 1989, p. 24. (in Russian)
Rekomendatsii po raschetu protivofiltrovalnykh zaves i filtratsionnoy prochnosti osnovaniy gruntovykh plotin P 21-85 [Recommendations for the calculation of anti-filtration curtains and the filtration strength of the foundations of earthfill dams P 21-85]. VNIIG, Leningrad, 1985, p. 59. (in Russian)
CP 116. 13330.2012. Inzhenernaya zashchita territoriy, zdaniy i sooruzheniy ot opasnykh geologicheskikh protsessov. Osnovnye polozheniya [Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles]. Moskva, 2012, p. 62. (in Russian)
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Yumaguzinskoe vodokhranilishche na r. Beloy v RB (III etap – detalnye izyskaniya na vybrannom stvore plotiny. Tom I) [Yumaguzinskiy reservoir on the Belaya River in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Stage III – detailed surveys on the selected dam alignment). Volume I] Report on the results of engineering and geological surveys. Order No. 20147. Hand V.I. Martin et al. Ufa, ZapUralTISIZ CJSC, 2000, p. 232. (in Russian)
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.23.4.303
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