Об особенностях некоторых индикаторных минералов кимберлитовых пород
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Afanasiev V.P., Yeliseev A.P., Nadolinny V.A., Zinchuk N.N., Koptil V.I., Pilov G.M., Tomilenko A.A., Goryanov S.V., Yurieva O.P., Sonin V.M., Chepurov A.I. 2001. Mineralogy and some issues of variety V and VII diamonds genesis (by classification of Y.L.Orlov). Bulletin of Voronezh SU. Geology. 5(10):79-96. (in Russian)
Afanasiev V.P., Zinchuk N.N. 1987. Minerageny of ancient placers of diamonds on the eastern side the Tunguska syneclise. Geology and geophysics. 1:90-96. (in Russian)
Afanasiev V.P., Zinchuk N.N., Koptil V.I. 1998. Poligines of diamonds in connection with the problem of primary placers of the north-cast of the Siberian platform. 361(3):366-369. (in Russian)
Afanasiev V.P., Zinchuk N.N., Lоginova A.N. 2009. Distribution features of placer diamonds associated with the Precambrian source. Zapysky Ros. Mineral. Obshch. 138(2):1-13. (in Russian)
Afanasiev V.P., Pokhilenko N.P., Loginova A.M., Zinchuk N.N., Efimova E.S., Safyannikov V.I., Krasavchikov V.O., Podgornich M.M., Prugov V.P. 2002. Morphological and compositional features of some chrome spinels of diamondiferous areas in connection with the problem of “false” kimberlite indicators. Geology and geophysics. 41(12):1729-1741. (in Russian)
Vasilenko V.B., Zinchuk N.N., Kuznetsova L.G. 2000. Geodynamic control of kimberlite fields allocation of central and northern part of Yakutian kimberlite province (petrochemical aspect). Bulletin of Voronezh Univ. Geol. Series. 3(9):37-55. (in Russian)
Gorshkov A.I., Zinchuk N.N., Kotelnikov D.D., Shlykov V.G., Zhukhlistov A.P., Mokhov A.V., Sivtsov A.V. 2002. New ordered mixed-layer mineral lysardite-saponite from kimberlites of South Africa. Reports of RAN. 382(3):374-378. (in Russian)
Egorov K.N., Zinchuk N.N., Mishenin S.G., Serov V.P., Sekerin A.P., Galenko V.P., Denisenko E.P., Baryshev A.S., Мenshagin Y.V., Koshkarev D.A. 2003. Perspectives of primary and placer diamondiferousness of south-western part of the Sibirian Platform. In: Geological aspects of the mineral resource base of the Joint Stock Company “ALROSA”: current state, prospects, solution. Additional materials based on the results of the regional scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of the geological industry of AK “ALROSA” and scientific and methodological support of their solutions dedicated to the 35-th anniversary of YANIGP TsNIGRI AK “ALROSA”. Mirny, MGT, рр. 50-84. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 1991. Specific features of composition and distribution of micaceous formations in kimberlite rocks of Yakutia. News of HEI. Geology and exploration. 7:58-66. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 1998. Influence of secondary minerals on appearance and composition of kimberlite rocks. Geology and geophysics. 39(12):1704-1715. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2014. Experience of lithological and mineralogical studies of ancient sedimentary strata in connection with diamond prospecting works on the Sibirian platform. Vestnik Voronegskogo universiteta, Geologiya. 1:13-19. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2015. Specific features of structure and composition of the crust Weathering on tufogene formations in diamondiferous regions. Bulleten MOIP. Geologiya. 90(4): 42-52. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2016. About the geologicalprospecting conditions in the forecasting of kimberlite pipes. Nauka i obrazonanie, 4(84):7-15. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2017. Features of diamond content of different phases of kimberlite intrusion. Domestic Geology. 1:105-111. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2018. Features of mica Formations in kimberlite. Vestnik Voponezhskogo universiteta. Seriya Geologiya. 2:29-39. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2021. Tipomorphic properties of kimberlite indicator minerals and their use in forecasting diamond deposits on the Sibirian platform. Otechestvenaya geologiya. 2:41-56. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2021. Precambrian sources of Diamonds in Phanerozoic placers. Vestnik Voronezskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 3:50-61. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2021. Geological research in Prospecting for Diamond deposits. Vestnik Voronezskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 4:35-52. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2022. The role of petrologicalmineralogical and mineralogical and geochemical studies in assessing the potential diamond content of kimberlites. Otetchestvennaya geologiya. 1:36-47. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2022. Weathering crusts and their role in formation of post kimberlite sedimentary sequences. Ores and metals. 2:100-120. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2022. Siliceous Minerals in Kimberlite. Vestnik Voronegskogo univ. Geologiya. 4: 38-52. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2022. Specific features of petrographic
study of kimberlite. Otetsestvennaya geologiya. 6:34-49. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2023. About geochemical features of formations of different ages of diamond-prospective territories. Otetchestvenaya geologiya. 1:42-65. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2023. Abaut Lithologic and Stratigrafic features of ancient Diamondiferous thicknesses. Vestnic SVFU. Nauki o Zemle. 1(29):5-28. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2023. Specific features of Hydrothermal and Hypergene Alterations of Micaceus Kimberlites. Vestnic Permskogo universiteta. Geologiya. 22(1):32-50. (in Russian) doi:10.17072/psu.geol.22.1.32
Zinchuk N.N. 2023. Sulfates from kimberlite rocks. Otetchestvenaya geologiya. 2:56-72. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2023. Features of calcite from kimberlite rocks. Vestnik Voronegskogo univ. Geologiya. 2:28-43. (in Russian)
Zinchuk N.N. 2023. Geological-fearching and petrography of kimberlite pipes. Izvestiya Komi NTs UrO RAN. Nauki o Zemle. 2(60):43-56. (in Russian)
Kedrova T.V., Bogush I.N., Zinchuk N.N., Bardukhinov L.D., Lipashova A.N. 2020. Typomorphic properties of diamonds from the Dyakhtar stratum of
the Nyurbinskaya placer (Sibirian platform). Vestnik Voronegskogo univ. Geologiya. 3:45-54. (in Russian) doi:10.17308/geology.2020.3/3008
Kedrova T.V., Bogush I.N., Zinchuk N.N., Bardukhinov L.D., Lipashova A.N., Afanasiev V.P. 2022. Diamond placers of the Nakin kimberlite. Geology and Geophysics. 63(3):245-254. (in Russian)
Kotelnikov D.D., Zinchuk N.N. 1996. Typomorphic phic features and paleogeographic Significance of mica minerals. Izvestiya VUZov. Geologiya and razvedka. 1:53-61. (in Russian)
Kotelnikov D.D., Zinchuk N.N. 1997. Features of Clay minerals in sediments of various sedimentary farmations. Izv. VUZov. Geologiya and razvedka. 2:53-63. (in Russian)
Kotelnikov D.D., Zinchuk N.N. 2001. Conditions for the accumulation and post-sedimentations transformation of clay minerals in sediments of terrigens formatations. Bull. MOIP. Otdel geological. 76(1):45-53. (in Russian)
Kotelnikov D.D., Zinchuk N.N. 2001. Crystal-chemical and structural features of clay minerals in weathering crusts depending on the type of source rocks. Bulleten Moskov o-va ispyt. Prirody. 76(3):69-79. (in Russian)
Kotelnikov D.D., Zinchuk N.N. 2003. Anomalies of the generals of transformation of swellable clay minerals wher the sediments containing them are immersed in the stratosphere. Vestnik Voronez univ. Geologia. 2:57-68. (in Russian)
Мatsuk S.S., Zinchuk N.N. 2001. Optical Spectroscopy of minerals of the upper mantle. M.: Nedra. p. 428. (in Russian)
Orlov Yu.L. 1984. Mineralogy of diamond. Moskva, Science, p. 264. (in Russian)
Savko A.D., Zinchuk N.N., Sheverev L.T., Ilyash V.V., Afanasiev N.S. 2003. Diamond bearing of the Voronezh anteclise. Worc NIIG Voronezh univ. V. 17, p. 121. (in Russian)
Savko A.D., Sheverev L.D., Zinchuk N.N. 1999. Epochs of powerful crust formation in the history of the Earth. Voronezh, VGU, p. 102. (in Russian)
Kharkiv A.D., Zinchuk N.N., Kryuchkov A.I. 1998. Primary diamond deposits of the World. Moskva, Nedra, p. 555. (in Russian)
Kharkiv A.D., Zuenko V.V., Zinchuk N.N., Kryuchkov A.I., Ukhanov A.V., Bogatykh M.M. 1991. Petrochemistry of kimberlite. Moskva, Nedra, p. 304. (in Russian)
Khitrov V.G., Zinchuk N.N., Kotelnikov D.D. 1987. Application of cluster-analysis for clearing out regularities of various composition rock weathering. DAN USSR. 296(5):1228-1233. (in Russian)
Afanasiev V.P., Zinchuk N.N., Griffin V.L. et al. 2005. Diamond prospects in the Southwestern flank of the Tungusk Sineklise. Geology of ore Deposits. 47(1):45-62.
Grakhanov S.A., Zinchuk N.N., Sobolev N.V. 2015. The age of Predictable primary diamond sources in the Northeastern Sibirian platform. Doklady Earth Sciences. 465(2):1297-1301.
Kotelnikov D.D., Zinchuk N.N. 2008. Comparative analysis of clay Mineral evolution under the Conditions of humid and arid Lithogenesis. Russian Geology and Geophysics. 10:121-144.
Serov I.V., Garanin V.K., Zinchuk N.N., Rotman A.Ya. 2001. Mantle Sources of the kimberlite Vorcanism of the Sibirian Platform. Petrology. 9(6):576-588.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.23.4.352
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