About the Dissertations in Geological Sciences defended at Dissertation Committee Д 212.189.01 of the Perm State National Research University in 2013

V. A. Gershanok, V. I. Kostitsyn


The article contains the information about the candidate’s dissertations in geological sciences defended at the Dissertation Committee of Perm State National Research University in 2013. The annotations of these works are presented as well.


thesis defense; candidate; geology; geophysics


Gershanok V.A., Kostitsyn V.I. O zashchite dissertatsiy po geologii v 2012 godu v sovete Д 212.189.01 pri Permskom gosudarstvennom natsionalnom issledovatelskom universitete [About the Dissertations in Geological Sciences defended at Dissertation Committee Д 212.189.01 of the Perm State National Research University in 2012]. Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. Geologiya, V. 1(18), 2013. P. 91-94.

Kostitsyn V.I. Dissertatsionnye sovety po geologicheskim spetsialnostyam v PGU. v Geologicheskiy fakultet Permskogo universiteta – tri chetverti veka [Dissertation Committees on geological sciences at PSU. in Geological Faculty of the Perm University: three-quarters of a century]. Perm State University, Perm, 2006. P. 45-67.


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