Application of GIS-Technology for Small-Scale Hydrogeological Zonation (an Example from Permskiy Kray)

S V Shcherbakov, A V Shilova, D R Zolotarev


A need of systematization and analysis of previously obtained data using modern Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is considered. Article presents the detailed description of electronic map “Hydrogeological conditions of the surficial part of Permskiy kray territory”, which was created with usage the materials of past study.   The 1:600000 scale map contains slices with information about hydrogeological zonation of Permskiy kray, hydrogeological horizons and complexes of rocks, water levels and mineralization of ground water, fissured zones, sites of possible uplift of high-mineralized water from deep aquifers. Map could be helpful for hydrogeologists, engineering geologists, local authorities and households in realization of engineering projects, such as building and construction of water wells.


Permskiy kray; GIS-project; zonation; hydrogeology; groundwater


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