Prospects of Strengthening and Development of the Titanium Production Resource Base in Eastern Kazakhstan

M. M. Kravchenko, B. A. Dyachkov, E. S. Suyekpaev, E. M. Sapargaliev, A. Zh. Azelkhanov, T. A. Oytseva


In the article, the aspects of metalliferous structures of the Great Altay, incorporated in system of the Central_Asian mobile belt, are presented. This work considers the genetic relation of the primary zirconium-ilmenite mineralization to the post-collision intrusive alkaline massifs (P2), experienced the transformation at the continental riftogenesis stage in Mezo-Cenozoic, and further stabilization accompanied by formation of residual weathering crusts with zircon-ilmenite placers. Characteristics of the typical deposits, located in the Zaysan Depression, are presented as well. The forecast evaluation of territory and feasibility study of further work on the strengthening of Titanium production resource base were conducted.


ilmenite; zircon; placers; geodynamics; Kazakhstan


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