About the Problem of Practical Using of the Disseminated Chrome Ores from the Saksey-Klyuchevskaya Area of the Sredny Kraka Massif (the Southern Urals)

D. E. Saveliev, I. Ya. Ilaltdinov, E. A. Bazhin


This article presents the results of study of the structural and textural characteristics and laboratory experiments on benefication of the disseminated chrome ores. Despite the low content of chrome oxide in the ore from Saksey-Klyuchevskaya area of deposit (5-10% average), the contrast textural nature of mineralization allowed using at the beginning stage of benefication the X-ray-radiometric separation to produce lumps intermediate concentrate (-100 +50 mm) of 18% of Cr2O3 weighted average content. After grinding and deep gravity concentration with spiral separators, it is possible to get headings with over 40% of Cr2O3.


chrome ore; concentration; X-ray radiometric separation; Kraka; the Southern Urals


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.30.88


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