New Chlorine- and Aluminum-Bearing Minerals from the Verkhnekamskoye Salt Deposit

I. I. Chaikovsky, O. V. Korotchenkova


Lesukite-like phases occur as pinacoidal crystals forming two isomorphic series: an anhydrous (Al3(OH)8Cl)–hydrous (Al3(OH)8Cl·4H2O) phases and a chloride (Al3(OH)8Cl´4H2O)–sulphate (Al3(OH)7(SO4)·2H2O) phases. Tunisite-like phase forms a small white nodules, consisting of fibrous and scaly individuals ((K,Na)2Ca4Al10(CO3)6(OH)12Cl2). They formed due to decomposition of the aluminosilicate material during hydrolysis or sulfate reduction. The newly-formed rectorite ((K0,2(H3O)0,8)(Al1,6Mg0,4)(Si3,5Al0,5)O10(Cl0,2(OH)1,8)·2(H2O)) and illite (KAl2(Si3Al)O10 (Cl,OH)×5H2O) crystals (a quartz and a potassium feldspar also) found on the surface of the detrital hydromica grains are a result of the dissolution and the spatial rearrangement of elements. Chlorine correlates with potassium that suggests the presence of KCl in the form of structural modules. All of these findings indicate that aluminous minerals react with not only a potassium but with chlorine and sulfate ions as well.


Verkhnekamskoye Deposit; salt; lesukite; tunisite; rectorite; potassium montmorillonite; illite; newly-formed minerals in a salt


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