Methodology of Geological Engineering Zonation Based on a Multidimensional Assessment of Classification Index

V. V. Seredin, P. A. Krasilnikov


The article presents the results of development of the geoengineering zonation method based on multidimensional assessment of the classification index. At least three groups of assessment of geological indicators by dimensionless quantity are used in the practice of geoengineering zonation: a weighted scoring method, rating method, and statistical method. Authors consider the multidimensional estimation of geological indicators and classification index as the most effective technique for geological engineering zonation. Usage of this methodology allows minimizing a researcher subjectivity in selection of the classification parameter and taxon’s boundaries reasoning. Zonation procedure includes a selection of classification indicator, evaluation of multidimensional statistical criterion, reasoning of the boundaries conditions, creation of the zonation model, and taxons definition. Boundary values of classification indicator are calculated using a discriminant function. The zonation scheme of the oil pipeline area was made using developed methodology.


geological engineering zonation; classification indicator; discriminant analysis; statistical estimation


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