Foraminated Brecciated Limestone of the Ufimskoe Plateau and its Origin

A. Yu. Kissin


Ufimskoe Plateau is a geomorphological uplift bounding the PreUrals Foredeep in the West at the latitude of the city of Ekaterinburg. At a plateau and the adjacent parts of the through, the unusual foraminated brecciated limestones are widespread. Breccia occurs at the boundary of the Lower and Upper Kungurian Stage and is considered as a sedimentary formation. The results of study led to a conclusion that this limestones formed by a massive outgassing of the underlying parts of a crust, liquefaction of poorly consolidated sedimentary rocks and their sliding to the lower elevation location. Locally the small xenoliths of deep rocks and minerals of eruptive breccia enrich them. It is assumed that drop of pressure took place during passing gas through porous rocks, accompanied by a temperature change (Joule-Thompson effect). This could explain an appearance of glass inclusions, slag particles, and perhaps gas hydrates in the rock.


Ufimskoe Plateau; deep degassing; eruptive breccia; gas hydrates


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