Karst Hazards Assessment Based on the General Geological Approach at the Territory of City of Kungur

T. G. Kovaleva


The article presents the results of assessment of the karst hazards at the territory of city of Kungur, where the carbonate and sulfate type of a karst is widely developed. General geological approach is based at first on the analysis of influence of geological structure and hydrogeological conditions of the karst massif on distribution of the superficial and underground karst forms. Related methodology was developed based on accessibility of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of geological and hydrogeological structure necessary for the forecast. Comparison of the received cartographic materials with results of assessment of the karst hazards using standard methodology contained in the building code was made.


karst; karst hazards; karst massif; karst forms


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.33.26


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