The Model of Oil and Gas Formation in the Devonian Terrigenous Deposits of the Southern Part of the Perm Kray

E. E. Kozhevnikova


Oil and gas formation is a long multifactorial process, in which the main stages such as the formation of deep oil source rocks, the oil generation under deep geological conditions, seals formation, migration and accumulation of primary oil, and degradation of oil take place. For the purpose of prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields, it is necessary to conduct a detailed study of each of these stages, and to determine specific characteristic features of the oil and gas accumulation process for each territory. Such integrated approach allows effective conducting the prospecting and geological exploration of oil and gas deposits


terrigenous Devonian; oil and gas source rocks; organic matter; hydrocarbons; the south of Perm Kray; oil migration; fluid trap


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