Deep Geological Structure and Tectonics of the North Urals

A. G. Popov


Geological cross section of the Northern Urals to a depth of 7 km is presented. The author offers an interpretation of the tectonic structures in accordance with plate tectonics theory. West Urals Folding Zone is interpreted as a Thrust Zone of the Russian Plate formed during Kungurian Age of the Lower Permian. Polyudovo-Kolchimskiy anticlinorium is termed as an allochthon klippe of the Russian Plate. Central Urals Arc is identified as an accretionary prism of the Russian Plate. The Tagil-Magnitogorsk Depression is referred to as an obduction ophiolite zone. Two major tectonic faults were identified. The Western Urals Thrust combines the series of the platform autochthone thrusts and coincides to the north with the Timan-Urals Fault. The General Urals Fault is the obduction plane.


Northern Urals; tectonics; geodinamics; obduction; ophiolites; geological section


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