Geological Characteristics and Assessment of the Potential Production of the Tyumen Suite Deposits

A. A. Sevastyanov, K. V. Korovin, O. P. Zotova, D. I. Zubarev


Depositional environments of the Middle Jurassic deposits on the territory of KHMAO-Yugra were reconstructed based on the analysis of geological characteristics of the structure of Tyumen Suite. The characteristics of reservoir within the main productive part of YS2 horizon are given. The geological and physical factors that influence the development of engineering solutions for the effective oil recovery were identified. The probabilistic evaluation of the distribution of main parameters of the Middle Jurassic deposits development was conducted. The model of the predictable reservoir was worked out. The forecast of the oil production at the exploited and known but not exploited deposits on the territory of KHMAO-Yugra is presented.


Middle Jurassic; Tyumen Suite; reserves; oil production forecast


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