About Formation of a Water Drainage System on the Territories under Development

A. Y. Gayev, V. E. Bikiteev, I. V. Kudelina, T. V. Leontyeva, L. A. Krementsova


The trend of widespread destruction of forest plantations, especially in the forest-steppe and steppe regions, such as the Orenburg region, leads to the depletion of water resources due to an increase of flow nonuniformity. Simultaneously, the strengthened negative geodynamic processes lead to flooding and waterlogging of large areas. A widespread afforestation and run-off regulation by working out the reasonable hydro construction program including the effective water conservation measures were suggested for reducing the intensity of negative geodynamic processes and mitigating the catastrophic consequences.


negative geodynamic processes; deforestation; drainage; water conservation


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.23.33


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