Intensification of Highly-Viscous Oil Recovery at the Opalikhinskoe Field

I. R. Yushkov, G. A. Tsvetkov


Obtaining a reliable and quick information about parameters needed to control methods of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), increase of the oil production rate, and a reduction of the water cut is one of the main problems in the development of heavy oil fields. This problem is of most concern while developing Opalikhinskoe oil field containing the difficult oil reserves due to high oil viscosity and low reservoir permeability. The results of the laboratory studies allowed to work out the plan of Opalihinskoe field development based on the method of alkaline flooding that forms a surfactants to lower interfacial tension inside the porous reservoir. Accompanied with the cyclic, systematic, and integrated stimulation, it allowed increasing the oil production. The results of well tests indicate changes in productivity indexes of hydraulic conductivity and permeability. Application of the Enhanced Oil Recovery methods allows supporting the oil production at a high level for 30 years. Residual effect of higher oil production continues after ending the implementation of these methods.


base flooding; carbonate reservoir; oil increase; oil viscosity; cyclic injection; systemic exposur; flow and hydrodynamic studies; productivity index; hydraulic permeability; permeability


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