Prospects of Zeolites Exploration in Abzelilovskiy District of the Bashkortostan Republic

E. A. Fatkullin, R. D. Shafikov


The article considers the exploration prospects of zeolites mineralization in Abzelilovskiy district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The detailed composition and technological characteristics of laumontite-bearing rocks of the Balapanskoe occurrence are presented. The practical results of testing of the laumontite in industry are shown. The results of study allowed confirming the effectiveness and feasibility of its usage in different industrial processes. A geological-economic assessment of the efficiency of development of the Balapanskoe deposit was conducted.


laumontite; the Ulutau Suite; zeolite-bearing rocks; Balapanskoye deosit; Abzelilovsky district; technological studies


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