About Basic Epochs of Crust Formation and Kimberlite Magmatism in Connection with Diamond Prospecting Works

N. N. Zinchuk


Results of comprehensive analysis of large amount of worldwide and regional geological information allowed suggesting necessity of more intensive research of massive crust formation and diamondiferous magmatism epochs, which were paid little attention to. Presently available highly scattered information allows distinguishing two megastages in formation of the Siberian platform diamondiferousness. The early stage includes the time from Archean to Riphean or from diamonds formation in the mantle to its first appearance at the surface conditions. Polycentrism, localization at peripheral parts of the platform, as well as diversity of transporters are characteristic for this megastage. The second megastage (Early Paleozoic-Eocene) differs from the first one by spatial arrangement of occurrences, monocentrism, and prevalence of kimberlite diatremes. During planning and carrying out the diamonds prospecting works on perspective territories of the platform, it is necessary to study not only Middle-Paleozoic productive collectors, but also more ancient (Preсambrian and Lower Paleozoic) and young (Mesozoic) strata as well, performing detailed complex analysis of  rock composition (especially the key layers and basal horizons).


diamonds; geological exploration; kimberlites; diamond collectors


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.23.59


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