Quartz Reef from Gold Occurrences in Riphean Deposits of the Avzyan Ore Region (South Urals): Mineralogical and Thermocriometric Features

A. A. Sharipova, S. V. Michurin, M. T. Krupenin, A. A. Garaeva, Z. A. Kanipova


Quartz reefs from the gold-sulfide-quartz deposit Gorny Priisk and gold-quartz sulfide bearing ore occurrences Ulyuk-Bar and Vostochno-Aktashskoe have the similar temperatures of homogenization of primary fluid inclusions (228-382 ° C) and salt composition, in which magnesium and potassium chloride predominate. Salinity varies in the range of 5,4-15,8 wt. % NaCl equiv. Generation of gold- bearing quartz reefs was caused by the migration of magmatogene fluids connected with the tectono-thermal stage between the Middle and Late Riphean. Barren vein quartz from the host Riphean rocks is characterized by lower temperatures of homogenization (128-238 ° C), predominance of the iron chlorides in salt composition and higher salinity (12,9-22,8 wt% NaCl equiv.). The generation of quartz in the gold-sulphide ore occurrence Bogryashka, which have temperatures of homogenization of 152-292 ° C and the predominance of calcium and magnesium chlorides in the salts, is associated with the pre-ore process of magnesian-ferruginous metasomatism.


Bashkirian megantiсlinorium; gold; quartz; fluid inclusions; homogenization temperature; salt composition of solution


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.16.3.216


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