About Fundamental Problems of Hydrosphere and Silicate Karst

A. Ya. Gayev, Yu. A. Kilin


Rationale of hydrosphere model with two regions of supply and discharge reveals regularities of ground water formation reflecting the special features of system water – rock – gas – living material and character of interaction of hydrosphere with the other spheres of the Earth. It is necessary to concentrate the development of endogenous hy-drogeology fundamentals with the study of silicate karst on investigation of “white and black smokers”, the structure and isotope composition of water in different phase condi-tions, and on modeling of situation in hydrometagenese zone. It will support the development of geotechnology and providing the humanity with mineral and energetic resources in future.


hydrosphere model with two regions of supply and discharge; karst sphere; silicate karst


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Gayev A.Ja., Kilin Ju.A. 2015. Endogeneita di idrogeologia e silicato carsten. Italian Sciences Review. 2(23):13-17. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013; DOI: 10.1073/pnas. 1220301110. URL: chemport.ru.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.16.3.232


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