Analysis of the Local Variation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Covering Strata as a Method of Karst Hazard Assessment (an Example of the Ust-Kishert Village)

E. V. Drobinina, T. G. Kovaleva, A. V. Koryakina, V. N. Kataev


Analysis of different factors of the natural structure allowed assessing the hazards at the territory of the Ust-Kyshert village characterized by the development of carbonatesulfate karst. In the article, the local karst hazard assessment using integrated physical and mechanical properties showed that the state and stiffness of the overlying mass might be used as the indicators of disintegration of the rocks due to the karst development. A comparative analysis of the resulting cartographic model with the previously proposed model of karst hazard assessment of the studied area is carried out.


physical and mechanical properties; overlying mass; karst hazard; disintegration of rock


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