Mineralogical-technological Properties of Sylvinites of the Tyubegatan Deposit

G. A. Isaeva


In the article, results of study of the mineralogical-technological properties of potassium salts of a Lower II productive layer of the Tyubegatan deposit are given. Despite significant changes in structural, texture features, and the material composition of the salt rocks, the crystallization mechanisms similar to those of the Verkhnekamskoe deposit were revealed that, in both cases, is reflected in their mineralogical and technological properties. Analysis of the obtained data showed that the studied properties of sylvinite are associated with the paleogeographic conditions of their formation. The rocks formed in shallow environments are characterized by a lower degree of disclosure of the useful component than those formed in deep water conditions.


sylvinite; salt rocks; mineralogical-technological properties; potassium deposits; halopelites


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.16.3.264


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