Origin of Natural Gas of the Giant Urengoy Deposit

A. V. Plyusnin, O. E. Kochneva


This article presents the discussion on the geological structure and origin of the large Cretaceous Neocomian-Cenomanian Complex, which is characteristic for Urengoy deposit of Nadym-Pur Oil and Gas Province. In period from the Valanginian to Cenomanian, this territory experienced predominantly continental depositional regime, provided the favorable conditions for accumulation of large amount of plant remnants, which were a raw material for the coal strata of the complex. The presence of high concentration of organic substance was the most important genetic characteristics of Aptian-Cenomanian continental strata that constitute a typical coal-bearing formation. The analysis of obtained information allowed to predict the phase state of hydrocarbon accumulation at the area.


Western Siberia; Nadym-Pur oil and gas province; Urengoy field; Ceno-manian; gas; condensate; catagenesis


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.23.90


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