Cryogenic Minerals in Caves of the Vizhay River (Northern Urals)

E. P. Bazarova, O. I. Kadebskaya, E. A. Tsurikhin


New information on the cryogenic mineral formations at the two Vizhay River caves (Northern Urals) is given.   Calcite with the insignificant gypsum admixture predominates in the cryogenic material composition from both caves. In addition, the metastable phases of calcite, such as monohydrocalcite and ikaite were found. In the Saksofon Cave, calcite forms both spherulites and complanate grains. In Lednikovaya Cave, the major part of cryomaterial is presented by spherulites, which may suggests the significant supersaturation of solution. In Lednikovaya Сave, the distinct concentric structure with the growth zones denotes the cryogenic material formation in a thin water film under the partial thawing of upper part of long-term ice mound in summer. In Saksofon Cave the growth zones in crystals are poorly developed that probably caused by the seasonal glaciation in the cave and cryogenic minerals are younger than those in the Lednikovaya Cave.


caves; cryogenesis; Northern Urals; calcite; gypsum; ikaite


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