Influence of Reservoir Pressure Dynamics on the Current State of the Gremikhinskoye Field Development

E. M. Dautova, O. E. Kochneva


In this paper, we analyzed the change of reservoir pressure at the Gremikhinskoye field since the beginning of commercial production until the end of 2015 year. The zones of maximum, medium and minimum reservoir pressure were allocated at the isobar maps for 2013 through 2015. The fluid flow rate, oil flow rate, and water encroachment were examined using 30 wells data. The relationship graphs were drawn and recommendations for further development of the Bashkirian reservoirs of Gremikhinskoye field were worked out.


Gremikhinskoe deposit; Bashkirian; dynamics of stratal pressure; debit of oil; debit of liquid; water encroachment


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