Formation of the Petroleum Potential of Vuktyl Overthrust Using the Results of the 1D Basin Modeling

E. A. Kuznetsova, T. V. Karaseva


This article discusses the modeling of oil and gas generation processes at the Vuktyl Overthrust with usage of well Vuktylskaya-58 parametric data. These well cuts contain both the allochthon and autochthon parts of the overthrust. Despite the fact that gas and gas-condensate deposits within the basin were discovered in 60th of XX century, the deep sediments in this area remains poorly understood due to the difficult accessibility. The petroleum prospects of the area have not been clear. The PetroMod software 1D module was used for basin cross-section modeling. The result proved that the source rocks of the allochthon could generate only oil. In the deep sediments of the autochthon, the processes of generation of gases and condensates could form deposits not only in the deeper horizons, but also may have been involved in the formation of the major deposits of the Vuktyl gas condensate field. Generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons occurred mainly after overthrust dislocations, when the main traps formed in the deep-lying strata.


Vuktyl overthrust; oil; gas; condensate; basin modeling; program; PetroMod


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