Physical Model of the Earth’s Magnetic Field

Yu. P. Petrov, A. V. Gorozhantsev, V. I. Kostitsyn


The article considers the feasibility of generation inside the Earth the electric current, which is the source of its magnetic field. The analysis of the existing kinematic models of electric current generation in the Earth's core is presented. It is noted that at the present stage of development of the Earth Sciences, these models do not work properly, because of the demand of definition a significant number the parameters describing the internal processes in the core. The article discusses the physical model of the Earth's magnetic field based on the generation a thermoelectric power in a closed electric circuit consisting of two dissimilar conductors. It is considered as the cause of sustained electrical current in the Earth's core between the contacts with different temperatures. In view of the rotation of the Earth, it is shown that an electrical current resulting in solid core is solenoid in the nature that allows giving an idea of the hard core as a magnetic dipole.


the core of the Earth; electric current; magnetic field; temperature; thermoelectric power; solenoid; magnetic dipole


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