Distinctive Characteristics of Hypergene Alteration of Composition of Different Rocks

N. N. Zinchuk


Comparative complex analysis of different types of weathering crust indicates that the following three factors along with mineralogical peculiarities of primary rocks and hydrogeochemical conditions are of great importance for formation of eluvial material. First factor is a degree of structural ordering of primary minerals. A second one is related to an inheritance of properties by new mineral phases. The third factor includes a universalism of processes of transformation of hypogene and formation of hypergene minerals in the weathering crusts developed in different types of rock. Realization of these basic assumptions can be achieved only with their integrated optical-electronic microscopy and structural-crystal-chemical investigations. This methodology allows distinguishing between the varieties of the same primary minerals using their structural specific features, as well as identifying secondary layered silicates formed at different stages of rocks hypergene alteration.


weathering crusts; eluvial; hypogene and hypergene formations; optical-electronic-microscopic and structural-crystal-chemical investigations


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.24.19


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