Evaluation of Karst Occurrence at the Construction Gypsum Deposits

K. O. Khudenkikh


Various methods of calculation of a productive strata cavernous porosity at the gypsum fields are considered. New complex method of calculation of a cavernous porosity based on determination of the cavernous porosity volumetric coefficients of a surface features and internal cavernous porosity is offered. Results of approbation of the offered method on the SokolinoSarkayevskoe field of gypsum and anhydrite are presented. It is established that percentage of a superficial and internal cavernous porosity of the filled cavities characterizes the productive strata dilution.


gypsum fields; coefficient of cavernous porosity; volume; karst cavity; dilution


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.18.1.49


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