Expositional Dynamic Engineering-Seismometric Monitoring of the Building of the Institute of Geophysics UB RAS with Use of the Hardware-Software Complex "Register-SD"

M. N. Voskresenskiy, G. I. Parygin, T. E. Senina, L. N. Senin


Seismometric monitoring of the building of the Institute of geophysics, located at Yekaterinburg was conducted in the period of 2017-2018. During the measurements, the hardware-software complex "Register-SD" with the electro-dynamic sensor SK-1P was used. The calculation of the period of natural oscillations of the object is given on the example of a vertical profile located in the south-eastern part of the building. The results of monitoring show that there are no failures in the studied section of the facility.


seismodynamic studies; seismometric monitoring; seismic signals recorder; amplitude-frequency spectrum; period of building natural oscillations


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.18.1.38


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