Geoelectric Diagnostics of Chemical Contamination of the Geological Environment in the Zone of Influence of the Toxic Waste Damp

A. P. Gusev, M. G. Verutin, P. A. Kaleychik, I. O. Prilutsky, I. A. Shavrin


The results of studying the resistance of the upper part of the geological section in the zone of influence of phosphogypsum dumps are considered. For the electrical profiling, a symmetrical array AMNB was used. The mapping of soil contamination on the territory of the dumps and in the zone of their influence (at AB = 3-10 m) is performed. Pollution of soils is indicated by anomalies of low apparent resistance (less than 10 Ohm.m). Assessment of the state of the dam, which separates the runoff of polluted waters from the dump site to the environment, was carried out. The probable places of leakage of contaminated water from the water-channel can be determined by an abnormal decrease in the apparent resistance of the soils of the upper part of the enclosing dam (less than 50 Ohm.m, against a background of 500 and more Ohm.m).


geoelectrics; chemical pollution; dumps of phosphogypsum; apparent electrical resistance


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