Regularities of Occurrence of Unique and Large Oil and Gas Deposits in the Earth Crust. Deep Zones of Hydrocarbons Generation and Primary Asthenosphere Earthquakes as a Uniform Planetary Process

S. V. Kozlov, I. S. Kopylov


The causal relationship between the location of the largest discovered hydrocarbon deposits (about 1000) and the lithosphere thickness in the regions of the Earth crust is shown. Only the significant amount of facts may be considered as the arguments of uniqueness of the existence of deep zones of hydrocarbon generation on planetary rheological in nature, lithospheric-asthenospheric boundary followed by catastrophic break in the lithosphere. In the framework of the proposed model, the next migration process can be both sequential and abrupt. The model is based on the well-known physical formula transformed into a geodynamic expression that describes a natural process of hydraulic fracturing of the lithosphere crystalline rocks when the plume achieves the critical volume. It seems that the process of accumulation of matter in the plume and its evacuation interacts and goes parallel to the earthquake activity.


the deep zone of generation; the gas plume; the critical volume of the gas plume; natural hydraulic fracturing; the migration of the fluid-gas plume; catastrophic changes in the volume; the patterns of distribution of major oil and gas fields


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