Age of Protolithes and Geochronology of Metamorphism of the Nerkayuskiy Eclogite-Schist Complex of the Subpolar Urals

A. M. Pystin, E. V. Kushmanova, Yu. I. Pystina, A. V. Panfilov, I. L. Potapov


The first results of the U-Pb dating of zircons from the metamorphic rocks of the Nerkayuskiy eclogite-schist complex are discussed. The minimum age of detrital zircons suggests that the initial sedimentary formations, the protoliths of garnet-mica crystalline schists, were formed in the Paleoproterozoic. The time of manifestation of the early stage of rock metamorphism dates back to about 2.0 billion years ago. The isea, which has long been supported by the authors, considers the Nerkayuskiy eclogite-schist complex as a tectonically displaced fragment of the Lower Precambrian crystalline basement included in the structure of the Uralides.


Subpolar Ural;, Lower Precambrian; protolith; eclogite; geochronology.


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