Physical-chemical Study of Carbonates of the Safyanovskoe Massive Copper Sulfide Deposit (Middle Urals)

E. I. Soroka, M. E. Pritchin, V. P. Lyutoev, I. V. Smoleva


Carbonate mineralization of ore-bearing rocks of the Safianovskoe massive copper sulphide deposit (Middle Urals) is presented by calcite, Fe-magnesite, dolomite and siderite. The types of carbonate mineralization and their spatial distribution in vicinity of the orebody are distinguished. Calcite, dolomite and scattered siderite mineralization is concentrated in quartz-plagioclase-carbonate-chlorite rocks. Siderite-magnesite mineralization is located just on a contact of the solid copper-zinc ore in association with kaolin, barite and mica. Magnesite mineralization is located in quartz-sericite-chlorite metasomatites of the South-Eastern part and is a natural extension of the post ore transformation of the host rocks and their tectonic fracturing associated with internal stress relaxation. Vein aragonite was discovered in near-wall metasomatites at the depth 240 m. The newly formed calcite was found in the hydrothermally changed limestones at the depth 275 m. Carbonates differ in content and distribution of rare-earth elements (REE), the isotopy, and in the intensity EPR of spectrum Mn2+ in the carbonates. As a whole, the zones of the carbonates distribution in the wallrocks of the Safyanovskoe deposit corresponds to the Urals typical zonation noted on some other copper massive deposits of the South Urals.


Safyanovskoe massive copper sulfide deposit; carbonate mineralization; magnesite; calcite; dolomite; siderite


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