Staging of Geological Development of an Area of the Southern Cis-Timan in the Late Proterozoic

Yu. G. Paktovskiy


The idea of staging along with the idea of cyclicity are fundamental in modern geology. The geological history of the Timan and ancient Ural margins of the Russian Plate in the Late Proterozoic (RF3-V2) is discussed according the staging concept of their geological development within the general theory of plate tectonics. The importance of the problem of “triple junctions” or points of triple stretching at the beginning of rifting is shown. Based on the stage analysis, the following conclusions were made: close connection of the areas of the Southern Cis-Timan and the Timan mobile system existed in the Late Proterozoic geological history; the indirect influence of the Timan mobile system at the development of the Poludovskiy rift is supposed; earlier activation of the Poludovsky rift (RF3) against Kvarkushsko-Kamenogorsky (V1) is presumed. The assumption about the migration of the "triple junction" point from the Poludovsky to the Kvarkush-Kamenogorsky rift, as it take place at the triple stretching point of the Red Sea rift, remains problematic.


Timan; Russian Plate; rifting; stages of geological development; plate tectonic.


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