Material composition of the Severnyy Kolchim meteorite

Yu. V. Erokhin, V. A. Koroteev, V. V. Khiller, K. S. Ivanov, A. V. Zakharov


New data on the material composition of the Severny Kolchim meteorite, found in the Perm region territory in 1965, is presented. It is established that the cosmic substance is composed of forsterite, enstatite, diopside, plagioclase (oligoclase, bitovnite), glass, chromite, magnetite, ilmenite, rutile, iron and nickel metals (kamasite, taenite and tetrataenite), sulphides (troilite, pentlandite), chlorapatite and merrillite. Some minerals, namely the diopside, tetrataenite, chlorapatite and merrillite, were determined in the Severny Kolchim meteorite first time. The data on the chemical composition of minerals and the trace element composition are given. It was verified that this meteorite is a nonequilibrium stone chondrite and belongs to the petrological type H3.


meteorite; Severnyy Kolchim; Н-type; mineralogy; geochemistry


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