Peculiarities of Micro-Component Composition of Natural Waters of the Perm Urban Area

I. V. Shchukova, V. N. Kazakov


The micro-component composition of natural waters in the Perm urban-industrial agglomeration is poorly studied. The authors conducted studies of surface, underground, rain and snow waters in different phases of the hydrological cycle. As a result, it was found that rain and snow waters on the left bank of the Kama River are characterized by the highest pollution, and contain more elements than the background and elements emitted by road transport (V, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr). In all watercourses of the city, the content of V, Cu, Hg, Sr is higher than the Maximum Contamination Level (MCL). In underground waters of the active water exchange zone, all the observed micro components do not exceed the MCL values.


natural waters; micro-component composition; MCL; background; chemical composition


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