Study of Dynamics of Geomagnetic Field at the Area of Chernigov Regional Anomaly

M. A. Оrlyuk, A. A. Romenets, M. I. Bakarzhieva, A. V. Marchenko, T. V. Lebed


Time dynamics of geomagnetic field in the region of Chernigov regional magnetic anomaly was investigated using the records of magnetometry observations at 2008 – 2012 years. During these four years the induction module B increased by 140 nT. Against this background trend, the low-level anomalous time variations ΔB were observed regionally (ΔΔB <1.0 nT / year) and locally (ΔΔB> ± 1,5 nT / year). The regional variations are interpreted as a result of magnetization of the magnetic source. The local variations are supposed to be generated by the fluid processes in geodynamic active deep faults of the Dnieper-Donets rift.


dynamics of the geomagnetic field; regional magnetic anomaly; faults


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