Distribution of the Earthquake’s Hypocenters in the Seismological Zones of the Central Part of the Northern Caucasus in 2018: Data of North Osetia (Alania) Regional Seismological Centre

S. S. Bagaeva, A. A. Sayapina, I. Yu. Dmitrieva, K. V. Grichukha, S. V. Gorozhantsev


Based on results of observation and distribution of the earthquakes hypocenters, brief analysis of allocation and clarification of the focus zones at the central part of the Northern Caucasus territory was conducted. General regions of accumulation of the earthquakes focuses in these zones were determined. Correlation of the focus zones with the tectonic structures of the studied area is discussed.


Northern Caucasus; focus zones; earthquakes; seismicity


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.18.3.231


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