Differentiation of Gold Particles after Gravity Concentration (Tardan Deposit, Tuva Republic, Russia)

A. Sh. Khusainova, V. A. Naumov, O. B. Naumova


We conducted an analysis, generalization, and comparison of content, granulometric and chemical composition, and morphology of lode gold from the Tardan deposit as well as from the tailings of the ore gold gravity concentration. It was established that the particles with less fall velocity than those from dominant part of the ore gold are delivered in tailings. Alteration of gold in exogenic conditions (formation of the granulometric structure and chemical composition) depends on the characteristics of ore gold, processing technology, and physical-chemical, and biogenic conditions formed in the concentration wastes medium.


technogenic processes; supergene processes; tailings; gold


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.18.3.276


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