Correlation of Parameters and Indicators of Gypsum Deposits of the Kruglovskiy Field (Perm Kray)

N. A. Darovskih, A. S. Suntsev


Kruglovskiy field is a quite simple geological structure of small thickness of productive layers, and includes a small amount of karstic and off-grade rocks. We analyzed the spatial distribution of the following parameters and indicators of deposit: thickness of gypsum strata, the average content of gypsum in the well, thickness of overburden, the thickness of karst intervals, thickness of the substandard grade rock, elevation of surface relief, and elevation of the top of gypsum and the top of anhydrite layers. There was observed close and very close correlation between the pairs of indicators. Positive correlation was established between the elevations of relief and top of gypsum layer, elevation of the top of gypsum and the top of anhydrite, and elevation of relief and the top of anhydrite layer. Negative correlation was revealed between overburden thickness and elevation of the top of gypsum layer, overburden thickness and elevation of the top of anhydrite layer, and between overburden thickness and thickness of gypsum stratum. The correlation results indicated that gypsum deposit has, in general, sheet-like shape, a groundwater table elevation changed in the process of hydration of anhydrite relative to the earth's surface, the big thickness of overburden brought a negative effect on the formation of deposit, and its total thickness of gypsum strata was relatively small.


gypsum deposit; distribution of parameters and indicators; criteria of gypsum deposits; the Perm Kray


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