Geodynamic Model of the Deep Structure of a Paleo Subduction Zone on the East Edge of the Russian Paleo Plate and Distribution of the Oil and Gas Deposits

S. V. Gavrilov, A. L. Kharitonov


Known hypothesis of M. Barazangi that quasilinear geological and tectonic zones represent the banded structures, which are parallel to the Urals paleo volcanic mountain belt was used. These zones can be in some interval of distances from a mountain paleo volcanic belt. On the size of this interval (~ 103 km) and the periodical arrangement of quasilinear geological and tectonic zones (of about ~ 300 km width), the paleo subduction speed (~ 5 – 6 cm a year) was estimated on the example of some Siberian regions.


geodynamic model; paleo subduсtion zone; oil and gas deposits


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