About the Methods and Methodology of Hydrogeological Studies of Territory of the South Urals

I. V. Kudelina


Providing the population with drinking water is an urgent problem in the areas of the South Urals. It escalates during the dry periods of the summer low water. An analysis of the situation, performed by the author on the example of the Orenburg agglomeration, indicates the possibility of solving this problem by recovery of the water reserves of the existing alluvial water intakes by the accumulation of part of the flood flow. When the water level rises in the river, the groundwater level rises and water inflows to the water wells increase. When water filtering through alluvium they clean themselves from pollutants. Therefore, during groundwater recovery process in the flood period, resources increase and the quality of drinking water improves.


Southern Urals; recovery of reserves; drinking water; water intakes


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.19.1.50


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